Monday, January 31, 2011

Mon Jan 31

Welcome to Marketing 11 and 12!!

Today we are going to go over the course outline and class expectations. Please click on this link and complete the Survey. You will also recieve your first assignment. When you finish it, please e-mail it to me at

Marketing 11
Please complete the worksheet for TWO careers. When you are done please e-mail them to me. Please always put your name in the subject line eg. "John careers in marketing".

Marketing 12
Hopefully you haven't forgot everything you learned in marketing in the past. It is time to refresh your memory. You are to go on-line and findtwo recent advertisements (billboard, video, banner ad, etc). Once you have your ad (please either copy a picture of the ad or copy the link), determine the target market (be specific). what strategies are used in the ad, and what are some strengths and weaknesses of the ad. When you finish, please e-mail your work to me. Please always put your name in the subject line. eg. "John, ad review".