Thursday, March 17, 2011

Thur Mar 16

Commercial Day

Hand in ALL Assignments

Today we are going to look at complaints in advertising. We have already seen a number of Banned commercials in class.

First, go to the following link of the 10 most controversial ads of 2006.

1. Do you find any of these advertisements controversial/offensive? Which ones?

Now go to youtube and look up 'banned commercials
2. Is it ever beneficial for a company to produce an advertisement that offends people or an advertisement that may get banned? EXPLAIN

Now go to this site and read about Mentos and Diet Coke

Go to Youtube and look for other mentos/diet coke video's

3. Do you think that Coke is using the Mentos 'reaction' as a marketing advantage, or is it a disadvantage? Explain your answer.

Marketing 12

Go to the following link and answer the following questions.

1. What is the product mix for the Virgin brand?
2. What challenges would such a diverse product mix present for the people in charge of marketing?
3. Go to the About Virgin Link: write a brief overview of the Virgin company?
4. What type of person is Richard Branson, what are his characteristics, and do you think that his personality has contributed to his success? Explain.
5. Explore the virgin website. What are 5 things that you find interesting?
6. On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate the Virgin website? EXPLAIN

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tue Mar 15

Commercial Day

1. Use the internet to look up GDP and then define it in your own words.

Next look at the next link on GDP and the World. (I've given you a link to a map with the country names as well)

2. What country's have the highest GDP?

3. What areas have the lowest GDP?

Many large company's operate internationally and a country's GDP could impact the company or change how a product is marketed. Coke is a good example go to the link below.

4. Is it a good idea for coke to sell and advertise in so many countries around the world? Why or Why not?

5. What are some other company's that could operate all over the world (in country's with high and low GDP)?

6. What are some company's that would only be successful in country's with High GDP?

7. What kind of company's would only be successful in country's with Low GDP?

Marketing 12

Today you will be looking at economic freedom and the world map. Please complete the worksheet and then answer the following question as a group.

1. Give at least 3 possible reasons why, in general, the countries with high economic freedom, tend to have high standards of living. What is most likely the actual reason for this?

Monday, March 14, 2011

Mon Mar 14

Discussion and Notes on the Economic Cycle. (Commercial Day)

Next we will watch a short video on Globalization and the Global economic cycle.

Next please answer the following questions and hand them in.
1. What are the WTO, IMF and GATT?
2. What were they set up to do?
3. Given that there are fewer big companies and more and more are going international, what implications does the IMF, WTO, and GATT have on companies
4.. ~Go on-line and find out what these terms mean.
a) fair trade
b) organic
c) bird friendly coffee
d) fair wage
5. You are in charge of marketing for a major clothing company (like the GAP). ~The company gets caught using child labour (12-14 year olds) and the children have to work 14 hours a day 6 days a week with only two 10 minute breaks. ~In addition, they only get paid $1.00 U.S./day. ~The news runs a story on your company and it really hurts your company's image. ~Your boss says that it is your job to run damage control, that is, improve the company's image. ~Write a description describing how you would do this. ~
6. ~Keeping marketing in mind, is it ever to a company's advantage to pay more for labour or resources (paying a working wage)? Why or Why not? USE EXAMPLES.

Marketing 12

You may recall last year we watched a video by Seth Godin about companies being different to get talked about and therefore customers (purple cow). Today I want you to listen to an episode of the Age of Persuasion about companies that broke the 'rules' and won by being different. Here is the link to the episode and all of the commercials it talks about.

Age of Persuasion

Next please answer the questions.

1. Give three examples of companies that risked and won. Make sure you explain the risk and the success.

2. How was Fedex started?

Friday, March 11, 2011

Fri Mar 11

Good morning, today will be your last day to work on your projects in class.

Marketing 12

Today you will be looking at a real life example of supply and demand. Go to the following link on rising global food prices and answer the following questions.

1. What is causing food prices to rise?
2. What impact does it have on Canadians, low income, high income?
3. List some pieces of information that you learned from this article.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wed Mar 9

Today we will be discussing companies going international.

Here is your next project DUE THUSDAY!! NO LATES because I will not be here.

Going International: Marketing in a Globalizing World. PROJECT

For this project, you may work alone or with a partner. You are to find a product or service that is NOT sold in Canada. You are then responsible for marketing this product in Canada. Keep in mind current consumer trends, people are becoming more concerned about the environment, we are moving into a recession etc. It can be anything as long as it isn’t sold in Canada (It must be legal of course).

Project must include all of the following:

• Picture(s) and description of the product or service
• Advantages of bringing the product to Canada
• Disadvantages of bringing in the product to Canada
• Cultural Challenges
• Who will the target market be
• A slogan for the product
• A jingle for the product
• A list of direct and indirect competition
• One of the following (must include the slogan and/or jingle)
o Two different advertisements that include both print and pictures
o A 15-30 radio/sound advertisement
o A 15-30 second T.V. Commercial

You can present your project as a report or in a Powerpoint presentation.

We will be sharing this project with the class.

DUE Thursday!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tue Mar 8

Today we will be working on Chapter 3 and Competition.


Next please complete the following assignment.

Go to the following link and complete Questions 1 and 3 BUT you DO NOT need to complete the assignment with Playstation and XBOX you can pick any two companies that are in DIRECT Competition.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Mon Mar 7

Good Morning,

Today is your Chapter 2 TEST

When you finish we will be working with slogans:
Go to the following link and complete the activity. You will have to create your own slogan for either a real company or product, or you can make one up. Either way, the slogan has to be yours. The person that presents the best slogan or jingle will win a prize.

Marketing 12
Please carry on with your project.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Thur Mar 3

Commercial Day

Powerpoint and notes on Motivation and Motivational Theory

Worksheet to hand in.

Review game

Next Complete Review Questions 1-3 at the end of Ch. 2 and show them to Mr. Southwell.

Here are the review terms and questions for Chapter 2

  • terms to know:

    customer, consumer, gatekeeper, Product Life Cycle(s), niche, fad,trend, demographics, baby boomers, gender, non-users, motivation, Thorndikes Law of Effect, Maslow's Hierarchy of needs, The Buying Decision, Household name, Branding, Self actualization, Celebrity endorsement, Bust, the 4P's,

Marketing 12

Today you will recieve a new project.