Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wed Mar 9

Today we will be discussing companies going international.

Here is your next project DUE THUSDAY!! NO LATES because I will not be here.

Going International: Marketing in a Globalizing World. PROJECT

For this project, you may work alone or with a partner. You are to find a product or service that is NOT sold in Canada. You are then responsible for marketing this product in Canada. Keep in mind current consumer trends, people are becoming more concerned about the environment, we are moving into a recession etc. It can be anything as long as it isn’t sold in Canada (It must be legal of course).

Project must include all of the following:

• Picture(s) and description of the product or service
• Advantages of bringing the product to Canada
• Disadvantages of bringing in the product to Canada
• Cultural Challenges
• Who will the target market be
• A slogan for the product
• A jingle for the product
• A list of direct and indirect competition
• One of the following (must include the slogan and/or jingle)
o Two different advertisements that include both print and pictures
o A 15-30 radio/sound advertisement
o A 15-30 second T.V. Commercial

You can present your project as a report or in a Powerpoint presentation.

We will be sharing this project with the class.

DUE Thursday!!

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