Monday, March 14, 2011

Mon Mar 14

Discussion and Notes on the Economic Cycle. (Commercial Day)

Next we will watch a short video on Globalization and the Global economic cycle.

Next please answer the following questions and hand them in.
1. What are the WTO, IMF and GATT?
2. What were they set up to do?
3. Given that there are fewer big companies and more and more are going international, what implications does the IMF, WTO, and GATT have on companies
4.. ~Go on-line and find out what these terms mean.
a) fair trade
b) organic
c) bird friendly coffee
d) fair wage
5. You are in charge of marketing for a major clothing company (like the GAP). ~The company gets caught using child labour (12-14 year olds) and the children have to work 14 hours a day 6 days a week with only two 10 minute breaks. ~In addition, they only get paid $1.00 U.S./day. ~The news runs a story on your company and it really hurts your company's image. ~Your boss says that it is your job to run damage control, that is, improve the company's image. ~Write a description describing how you would do this. ~
6. ~Keeping marketing in mind, is it ever to a company's advantage to pay more for labour or resources (paying a working wage)? Why or Why not? USE EXAMPLES.

Marketing 12

You may recall last year we watched a video by Seth Godin about companies being different to get talked about and therefore customers (purple cow). Today I want you to listen to an episode of the Age of Persuasion about companies that broke the 'rules' and won by being different. Here is the link to the episode and all of the commercials it talks about.

Age of Persuasion

Next please answer the questions.

1. Give three examples of companies that risked and won. Make sure you explain the risk and the success.

2. How was Fedex started?

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