Thursday, March 17, 2011

Thur Mar 16

Commercial Day

Hand in ALL Assignments

Today we are going to look at complaints in advertising. We have already seen a number of Banned commercials in class.

First, go to the following link of the 10 most controversial ads of 2006.

1. Do you find any of these advertisements controversial/offensive? Which ones?

Now go to youtube and look up 'banned commercials
2. Is it ever beneficial for a company to produce an advertisement that offends people or an advertisement that may get banned? EXPLAIN

Now go to this site and read about Mentos and Diet Coke

Go to Youtube and look for other mentos/diet coke video's

3. Do you think that Coke is using the Mentos 'reaction' as a marketing advantage, or is it a disadvantage? Explain your answer.

Marketing 12

Go to the following link and answer the following questions.

1. What is the product mix for the Virgin brand?
2. What challenges would such a diverse product mix present for the people in charge of marketing?
3. Go to the About Virgin Link: write a brief overview of the Virgin company?
4. What type of person is Richard Branson, what are his characteristics, and do you think that his personality has contributed to his success? Explain.
5. Explore the virgin website. What are 5 things that you find interesting?
6. On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate the Virgin website? EXPLAIN

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