Monday, February 28, 2011

Tue Mar 1

Hello, sorry that I was away yesterday and today. I've had to be in the hopital with my son (unexpectedly)

We will complete the notes on Motivational Theory on Wednesday.

First please finish your project, next, start the review for your test on Chapter 2. (we still need to cover some of these terms)

  • here is a link to the review quiz and a list of terms that you must know for the test.

    terms to know:

    customer, consumer, gatekeeper, Product Life Cycle(s), niche, fad,trend, demographics, baby boomers, gender, non-users, motivation, Thorndikes Law of Effect, Maslow's Hierarchy of needs, The Buying Decision, Household name, Branding, Self actualization, Celebrity endorsement, Bust, the 4P's,

Marketing 12

You are to all work as a team to find examples of advertisements (commercial, billboard, etc) of ads that target the five levels of Maslow's Heirarchy of needs. (Physiological, safety, affiliation, esteem, and self actualization).

Please then submit them with a brief explanation of how each targets the need you say it does.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Thur Feb 24th

We are back in the computer lab today.

Go over examples of product placement.

Peer evaluate and hand in Consumer/Customer Survey Project

NEW Project assigned. Due Next Wednesday!

Marketing 12

Today you are going to look at Marketing boards.

1. What is a marketing board and what do they do?
2. Do marketing boards get involved with setting prices? Why or whynot
3.What are some examples of Marketing boards?
4. Go on-line and look for examples of how marketing boards advertise/promote. Find a link to one that you find interesting and explain why you find it interesting.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Fri Feb 18

Sorry I am away today. Make sure your project is ready to share for Monday and all other assignments are in. (both marketing 11 and 12)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thur Feb 17

Commercial Day

Marketing 11 activity.

Go to complete the E-ACTIVITY
IMPORTANT: This is the link to the Surrey Census Data from 1996. You will need to go to:
Population Page #1 & Income and Work to get the info you need for the chart

Marketing 12

Use the following link to answer the questions,

1. What is upselling?

2. Why is upselling so important?

3. How does the article say that you can upsell without annoying your customers.

4. How can we use upselling in the school store?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tue Feb 15

Commercial Day

Today you will finish the worksheet from yesterday.

Next you will be assigned your first large project.


Marketing 12

use the article and your own observations to answer these questions
1. What is packaging and why is it important?
2. Why is so much packaging used on products, use the article and your own observations to answer this

One area where packaging is getting bigger and more complex is toy packaging. Read the following article and answer the question.
3. What are the tips on how to make effective toy packaging? (in your own words)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Mon Feb 14

Happy Valentines Day. How does marketing form, change, or twist holidays in an effort to generate sales?

Powerpoint and notes on Demographics

List Two or Three products that the following demographic groups would be the target market.

Age: (see pages 52-53) for the 7 categories
Baby Boomers
Upper Income,
Middle income,
Low income
Pick 2 ethnicity's and an example of a product ~that would target each one.

When you finish, move onto the buying decision WORKSHEET

Marketing 12

1. What is guerilla marketing?

2. Give three examples of Guerrilla Marketing?

3. Go to the following link and explain what each of the campaigns were and WHY they failed/backfired.
guerrilla marketing gone wrong.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thur Feb 10

Chapter 1 test

Marketing 12 students will be presenting their first project.

Now finish your Advertising icons assignment.

When you finished, go to the following link and explore the site. Then post on entry on the blog stating anything you find interesting, if you think doritos is using a good promotional strategy, why, etc. (completion marks for your post)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Today we are going to talk about Advertising Icons. You will get a new assignment on advertising icons success and failures. The link below will help you.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tue Feb 9

Commercial Day

Please finish the review questions and the on-line practice quiz.

First, complete questions 1,2,7,8 on pages 32 and 33
next,move onto the practice quiz below.

Here is a list of the major topics on the test.
Marketing Definition
Goods and Services (Raw materials, consumer good, finished good etc) NOTES
Supply and Demand NOTES
Evolution of Marketing (4 phases) NOTES
Marketing focus (regional, national, international, brand, distribution) NOTES
Marketing activities (10 of them)
4 P's
Push and Pull strategies
Sec 1.5

Monday, February 7, 2011

Mon Feb 7

Marketing 11
Notes and Read: PUSH and PULL strategies (Read pgs 26-28) and on product life cycles Discussion on 'Fads'

Activity: Answer the following questions after reading about Pet Rocks
1. How was Mr. Dahl able to turn his "Pet Rock" idea into a million dollar company?
2. Why do you think his idea worked?
Go to this link at three different fad and then answer questions #3.
3. Name and briefly describe your three fads
4. a) Why do you think fads happen?
b) How would marketing a fad be different that marketing a long term product?

5. Now in your own words, define each of the following terms. Make sure to KEEP a copy to study for your first test!
Consumer market, test Market, aggregate market, differentiated markets, competitive markets, Push strategy, Pull strategy,
Marketing 12

Today you will receive your first project.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Fri Feb 4

Marketing 11

Notes and discussion
on the 4 P's (VERY IMPORTANT)
Time to finish Non-Profit activity from yesterday, DUE TODAY!

Next, please finish the assignment below

Activity: ~Complete the following on-line activity on the 4 P's However, you can compare and two similar companies. ~

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Thur Feb 3

Commercial Day

Marketing 11

Notes on the 'Evolution of Marketing' and 'Marketing and the Organization'
Read pg 18 on Non Profit and Not for Profit Companies.

Please go to the following link and complete the assignment. Due at the end of class tomorrow.

Marketing 12

Today you will be finishing your work from the other day and counting money

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wed Feb 2

Today we will be talking about supply and demand, we will read pg. 8-10 in the textbook,
NOTES on Business Ownership, Marketing Organizational Focus, and Supply and Demand

Marketing 11
You will have time to finish the work from yesterday (Jones Soda) then complete the assignment below....

Now you can practice the principle of supply and demand by playing Lemonade Tycoon.
Here is a link, if it doesn't work, do a google search for a free version (there are lots)

Marketing 12

Please finish the assignment from yesterday

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tue Feb 1

Commercial Day

Today you will receive your textbooks. Remember to put your names in them and bring them to class.

Marketing 11
Today we will be talking about goods and services. We will look at the different stages of production and learn what different types of goods there are (pgs. 3-7 in your textbook).

First, please complete the following quiz so I can get a feel for what you already know about business. QUIZ

Activity: When you finish the worksheet, read pgs 2 and 3 on Jones soda. When you are finished, go to their website and then go to "" You are to then create a chart comparing the two websites highlighting the strengths weaknesses of each. This will be out of 10 marks so make sure that you come up with more than on when you have finished.

Marketing 12

Go to the following link and cut and paste 3 ads that match each of the five Goals of Advertising Pg. 339-343 in your textbook, include a brief explaination as to how each ad fits with the goals of advertising. This will mean that you have to find 15 ads in total. This will be tricky for some goals so you may have to search a bit. Please e-mail me your work.