Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tue Feb 1

Commercial Day

Today you will receive your textbooks. Remember to put your names in them and bring them to class.

Marketing 11
Today we will be talking about goods and services. We will look at the different stages of production and learn what different types of goods there are (pgs. 3-7 in your textbook).

First, please complete the following quiz so I can get a feel for what you already know about business. QUIZ

Activity: When you finish the worksheet, read pgs 2 and 3 on Jones soda. When you are finished, go to their websitehttp://www.jonessoda.com/ and then go to "http://www.pepsi.com" You are to then create a chart comparing the two websites highlighting the strengths weaknesses of each. This will be out of 10 marks so make sure that you come up with more than on when you have finished.

Marketing 12

Go to the following link and cut and paste 3 ads that match each of the five Goals of Advertising Pg. 339-343 in your textbook, include a brief explaination as to how each ad fits with the goals of advertising. This will mean that you have to find 15 ads in total. This will be tricky for some goals so you may have to search a bit. Please e-mail me your work.

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