Monday, February 7, 2011

Mon Feb 7

Marketing 11
Notes and Read: PUSH and PULL strategies (Read pgs 26-28) and on product life cycles Discussion on 'Fads'

Activity: Answer the following questions after reading about Pet Rocks
1. How was Mr. Dahl able to turn his "Pet Rock" idea into a million dollar company?
2. Why do you think his idea worked?
Go to this link at three different fad and then answer questions #3.
3. Name and briefly describe your three fads
4. a) Why do you think fads happen?
b) How would marketing a fad be different that marketing a long term product?

5. Now in your own words, define each of the following terms. Make sure to KEEP a copy to study for your first test!
Consumer market, test Market, aggregate market, differentiated markets, competitive markets, Push strategy, Pull strategy,
Marketing 12

Today you will receive your first project.

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