Monday, February 28, 2011

Tue Mar 1

Hello, sorry that I was away yesterday and today. I've had to be in the hopital with my son (unexpectedly)

We will complete the notes on Motivational Theory on Wednesday.

First please finish your project, next, start the review for your test on Chapter 2. (we still need to cover some of these terms)

  • here is a link to the review quiz and a list of terms that you must know for the test.

    terms to know:

    customer, consumer, gatekeeper, Product Life Cycle(s), niche, fad,trend, demographics, baby boomers, gender, non-users, motivation, Thorndikes Law of Effect, Maslow's Hierarchy of needs, The Buying Decision, Household name, Branding, Self actualization, Celebrity endorsement, Bust, the 4P's,

Marketing 12

You are to all work as a team to find examples of advertisements (commercial, billboard, etc) of ads that target the five levels of Maslow's Heirarchy of needs. (Physiological, safety, affiliation, esteem, and self actualization).

Please then submit them with a brief explanation of how each targets the need you say it does.

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